Jason Williams

Jason smiling in front of a city view.

Jason smiling in front of a city view.

Hi! My name is Jason and I'm a rising 5th year (yikes) PhD student in Phys/Astro at the University of Southern California in residence at Carnegie Observatories. I'm originally from Queens, NY and did my undergrad at Columbia University where I majored in Applied Physics. I became interested in Space Science after working on an astroparticle dark matter instrument in undergrad. I was generally fascinated that we can build things that can unlock the secrets of our universe and I realized this was the kind of stuff I wanted to work on for my career. Other than science, I'm passionate about black mentorship, mental health in the black community, video games and basketball!

Contact Jason through his email as a BlackInAstroMentor


Samantha Sosome


Louise Edwards