Funding Opportunities for Undergraduates
Notice: This page will be regularly updated with further opportunities as we expand, so please keep tabs and check back often
There are lots of opportunities to gain research experience, whether or not your college or university focuses heavily on research in respective departments. These summer research experiences for undergrads (REUS) will pay YOU to come perform research for 8-10 weeks, pay for travel and lodging and dependent on the location offer assistance or pay-full for future presentations at major conferences like the American Astronomical Society Conference (AAS). We have compiled a list of resources on opportunities such as these. Please check them out!
Funded Summer Research for Undergrads:
List of summer Astronomical Sites research locations from the National Research Foundation
List of summer research opportunities for Planetary Sciences from the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society
List of summer Engineering Sites research locations from the National Research Foundation (*includes Aerospace Engineering)
Fellowships & Programs for Undergrads :
Summer programs that are not part of the NSF REU program; these programs are open to non-US citizens (most commonly international students studying at a US university) unless otherwise indicated. *indicates programs targeting students from historically marginalized background
List from the AAS site:
Berkeley SETI Research Center Summer Research Undergraduate Internships
Boulder Solar Alliance REU Program in Solar and Space Physics
LEAPS-The Leiden/ESA Astrophysics Program for Summer Students (Netherlands)
Lee Teng Undergraduate Internship (Argonne National Lab and Fermilab)
Los Alamos National Laboratory Undergraduate Summer Internship Program
*Summer Internships in Science and Technology (SIST, Fermilab)
Brooke Owens Fellowship (Paid internships and executive mentorship for exceptional undergraduate women and gender-minority students in aerospace)
Patti Grace Smith Fellowship (Jobs, mentorship, and community for Black undergrads seeking aerospace careers)
Zed Factor Fellowship (Mentorship, internship, service projects for underrepresented communities)
Brooke Owens Fellowship (Paid internships and executive mentorship for exceptional undergraduate women and gender-minority students in aerospace)
Patti Grace Smith Fellowship (Jobs, mentorship, and community for black undergrads seeking aerospace careers)
Zed Factor Fellowship (Mentorship, internship, service projects for underrepresented communities)
AAAS Mass Media Fellowship: A 10-week summer program for undergraduate and graduate students.